Letter From MTC

Dear everyone, friends, family, fans, and creatures all alike,
First things first! Thanks for the e-mails. I love them! I was kind of afraid that I wouldn’t get any e-mails when I open my inbox but there’s lots! Thanks so much for the support. I haven’t had this feeling before. So again thanks!
The Missionary Training Center is top notch! When I arrived here at the parking lot, it was a bum because everyone is speaking Tagalog. And I can’t speak it. But everyone started speaking Cebuano and that was then I learned that 80% from the batch are basically Cebuanos. The gate opened at 7:30 and I was greeted by the host missionaries who’ve been here before us. Then we were assisted to different rooms where they gave us our access cards (for the different doors at the MTC, just swipe it yeah) and most importantly our name badge (the best feeling ever). Then everyone came for lunch. You can really say that the economy recession hasn’t affected the MTC! There’s too much food and sometimes it’s just too much for us that the left overs could fill a whole a barrel, and I couldn’t help but think about the children at Africa dying lol. At that time I hadn’t slept since Thursday night so I was really sleepy during the interviews. I love everyone here, all my fellow missionaries, Filipinos and Tongans and Americans and Samoans. All great. I’m the batch favourite. Haha. 
I’m fine here. I’m totally fine. There’s no need to worry. They take care of us just like how Heavenly Father does. We are isolated from the world. This is our sanctuary, filled with people, from different nations and places, who have the same desire to serve our Heavenly Father, all gathered in the same hall. The Spirit is so strong here, 24/7. I have awesome friends here from my district and other districts. The MTC is really designed for the Lord and for His missionaries for us to be refined and skilled when we get to the mission field. There’s no such other greater blessing from God to us missionaries. I can’t wait to get out of the field and finally do my work. This place also reminds me of my grandparents, who served as couple missionaries 20 years ago. It’s amazing to think that I am here in the same place where they were walking years ago.
You all don’t need to worry about me as much as I don’t need to worry about you. I know that Heavenly Father is taking care of you, especially you ma and pa, because He wants me to lose myself in the work.
Mom and Eric, I miss going to church with both of you on Sundays. Embrace yourselves, for blessings are coming. And I pray that when I get back it’s the four of us, with dad, together. Someday….
Joyjoy, Enchay, Ian, Tating, Lowella, Marose, Jeff, I miss Sunday school with you! Thanks for making it worthwile with me.
Uncle Junjun and Auntie Auring, thanks.
Tita Cleo and family, you’ve been amazing. Heavenly Father will continue to bless you and your family.
Missionaries and ward missionaries, thanks for training me. It came in handy for me. Thanks.
Bishop Shaun, thank you for the support you gave when nobody didn’t.
Friends, thanks for the e-mails again. It’s still overwhelming for me. I can’t stop thinking about it. My heart still throbs even now.
Raissa, I hope you’re reading this. I miss you. Wait for me. >:)
Always yours,
Elder Poblete
PS: Time is so hectic here. I PROMISE I will send pictures next week.
PS2: Next e-mails will be posted on my website instead. Stay up to date on elderpoblete.wordpress.com!

My Testimony

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. I have grown up in this church knowing the values that God wants us to live by and the doctrines which are necessary for our spiritual knowledge. This Church is restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith, the chosen one to restore the gospel in the last dispensation. He sealed his testimony with his blood, to pave way for the Church to grow through the Book of Mormon. I know that Heavenly Father loves us so much, and that Jesus is the Christ, and that he atoned for our sins and that he lives. He is my Redeemer, without him I would be nothing. I would still be lost amidst these worldly things. God answered a young boy’s humble prayer, and he surely answers ours too. He knows each of us exclusively. He knows our desires and despairs. That alone gives me happiness because I know that somebody up there cares for me so much more than my parents care for me. He nurtured me in the pre-existence, and let me pass through the veil so I can enjoy the happiness that he once experienced.

It amazes me how blessed I am and that there is someone out there, a young man, just like me, who could have the same desire that I do, who could live more righteously, who could serve a mission more effectively, only that he is yet to hear about the Gospel in San Pablo.

I grew up being taught of the gospel by my parents and teachers at Sunday School. But this young man sits in his humble home, worried about his future and his destiny; while I am here catered with a roof above my head and a safe shelter. I don’t understand why this is my life and that is his. I don’t understand that but I believe that the gospel can help him and guide him to his goals in life, to be closer to our Heavenly Father and experience the happiness that the Gospel has given me, and that is my mission.

I leave with you my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.