Week 83: Shades of Summer

Dear family and friends,


So I think we can call it officially summer! Days are hotter than ever. By the first day of April my companion and I will be buying umbrellas to protect us. It’s funny how I got sunburns on my back again due to constant walking under and exposure to the burning heat everyday. The leaves on the trees are turning into different shades of brown, yellow and red, and then falling onto and lacing the melting asphalt with beautiful colors.
On Thursday several departing missionaries and I traveled to Los Banos, Laguna to take the Michigan English test. It’s the test needed to gain entrance to BYU-Hawaii. I think there were only 20 missionaries out of 185 who took the test so the spots were pretty much limited to those who have plans to go to Hawaii for college. If you’re asking me if I’m really going, I’m still not so sure! It was 100 item test basically composed of questions regarding grammar, vocabulary, and essay; and they’re all multiple choice items. I didn’t have a hard time finishing it so I hope I’m just gonna do well with the results.
Following context is not related to the above picture.
We started the exam at around 2:30 PM and ended some time at 4:00 PM. My travel companions were missionaries coming from Santa Cruz and they wanted to travel there directly to reduce the time needed for travel and the chance to sleep over somewhere around San Pablo. So we decidedly went up to Santa Cruz to get them there and it turned out unfavourable to me and my companion—we were stuck in traffic at the bayan and thus could not return back to San Pablo on time. We called the assistants if we could sleepover somewhere else in Santa Cruz and they told us we could sleepover in Pila. Yes, in Pila! In my previous area. We arrived at the apartment complex, where 3 great member families also reside, and they were utterly surprised when I turned up!
More animal pictures. We found this kitten sleeping on my companion’s bag while we were eating at a member family’s house.
I hope everyone will get to enjoy their summer! Love you!
Elder Poblete
Philippines San Pablo Mission

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Week 82: Spiritual Cures

Dear family and friends,


Zone conference season! This would be my 2nd to the last zone conference. It was another great time to catch up with best friends and my fellow servants. The conference mostly focused on the Atonement and the Church’s new intiative #Hallelujah. I love conference season; it’s the perfect time to be lifted up again.

And then on Thursday I was on exchange with the new assistant, Elder Tuiloma. A missionary exchanges is conducted by missionary leaders with other missionaries to assist them in their training and accomplishing their purpose. It was fun being with this great assistant despite the scorching heat.
Not sure if it’s summer or fall.
Beautiful sunset to end the day. I love the view of sunsets. I am literally paralyzed from 12 AM to 4 PM when the sun seems to kill everybody with the intense heat. But my energy goes up when it’s dusk time.
This morning Elder Barrizo and I joined the National Breakfast Day at McDonalds! I hope many of you went there. We started joining the queue at 6:00 AM. We didn’t have any trouble looking for seats because most of the people in the line will only walk out after getting their McMuffin.
While seated inside. People are still flocking.
The free McMuffin and Big Breakfast. I think breakfasts at McDos are the best. I should continue doing this when I get home.
My companion.
Afterwhich we went to the stake center for district p-day. Nothing much except fun and games with the missionaries in the district. Good time to catch up and get to know each other better. My companion and I before the Sampaloc Lake. The Mabini Stake Center actually faces the lake.
The district. I think it’s the biggest district in the mission. In this district we have the assistants, office elders, us and the rest of the missionaries.
In conclusion, may I take this opportunity to greet my younger brother Eric a happy, happy birthday! I love you. I want to see you achieve and meet your potentials and acquire the blessings our Heavenly Father wants you to receive. I can’t wait to see you soon. I love you!

Elder Poblete
Philippines San Pablo Mission

Week 81: Demolish and Abandon

Dear family and friends,

First words: the weather is scorching hot. For some reasons the dark and gloomy weather was replaced with burning and stinging heat of the mad day. I was not prepared. People were telling me that the summer would officially begin in April. That was obviously not true. So what my companion and I would do when it gets way too hot in the area is to go 7/11 and have a refreshing break. Don’t you love that?!
So it will be zone conference season again this Thursday! That means I’ll get to see the remaining friends I have in the mission and I get to have lunch together with them. But this zone conference is going to be different: we’ll be giving the workshops to our zones together with the sister training leaders. That’s weird for me because I haven’t really done that. It’s going to be a challenge but I hope everything is going to be fine.
And meanwhile in my personal study.
I just wanna tell all of you that I haven’t been really thinking about home now. I’m trying to get my focus back to the work because I know it’s more important! I’ve realized that people need the gospel in their lives now more than ever. And I don’t want to waste my remaining 4 months by slacking around and doing nothing. It’s a once in a lifetime privilege to officially represent my Savior and His Church and that means if I’m privileged then I’m gonna have to it His way, not my way.
With Sister Bennett and Elder English after district meeting.
I love you all. I’ll see you soon!

Elder Poblete
Philippines San Pablo Mission

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Week 80: Anti-Trunky Pills

Dear family and friends,
Time still has not soothed me from the separation sadness caused by recent friends departing last week. They are home now. They now watch television, enjoy music, and have simple fun under the sun. Meanwhile, I still knock on doors, get rejected, and complain about the extreme hot weather up here in Luzon. But I feel good about it. There’s nothing better about representing the Lord and His Church.
Elder Erickson slept over in my flat before transfer day! He had to sleepover because he needed to get early to the mission home the day after to pick up his trainee. Many of you may not remember, but Elder Erickson is in my batch. We’ll be leaving together the mission in 4 months. It was fun catching up with him and talking about how great our missions have been since the last time we kept up at the mission home.


Mom requested that I send coloured pictures for my e-mails. Request granted.
It’s been pretty windy lately. We have been proselyting in areas to which we’ve never been before. People actually tell us not to stay too close to the coconut trees because coconuts can actually kill you.

It smells like summer.
Elder Poblete
Philippines San Pablo Mission
Sent from my iPad

Week 78: Men and Brethren, What Shall We Do?

Dear family and friends,

District Leader’s conference came this week so I get to meet with some best pals in the mission. Here is me and Elder Reed. Black and white photography.
Nothing much is still happening. The mission is currently focusing on getting more lessons for the rest of our mission life.
​ Sometimes it’s okay to be alone, just to be alone with yourself somewhere else. And to just let the fire keep you warm for the night.
​Happy Heart’s Day…
Elder Poblete
Philippines San Pablo Mission
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